We’re Just Not Beach People

Story by Nicole

After spending 5 hours playing the game Desert Bus in real life, we arrived in the greater Los Angeles area. We were cutting the timing a bit close; we had meant to get to Venice Beach by 3 to beat some of the more horrendous traffic, but because I was messing with blog photos in the morning (did you see they got bigger?) we were hoping to just get to our airbnb by 4. That being said, it only took us two hours to get through LA to the beach, which is pretty good. We pulled up to the house at 3:45.

Our room is absolutely adorable. It’s basically a stand-alone studio apartment with a screened off bathroom. The family lives in the house that’s on the property, and they have apparently been there forever and have a few generations in the house. It’s about a block from the beach.

We like Venice Beach, but we’re not enthralled. I think part of the issue is that I love mountains and Jason is not fond of sand. But, it’s pretty and has good seafood. I have no real complaints. The city is rather delightfully weird, which we appreciate as people who have lived in Boulder.

Perspective on a dreidel (Photo/Jason Rafal)


A somewhat patiently waiting dog (Photo/Jason Rafal)


An enticing offer (Photo/Jason Rafal)

We spent a lot of time walking along the beach. Jason tried to climb one of the ropes at Muscle Beach, which did not go as well as it could have. After dinner, when a lot of people had left the beach, it was a mix of calm ocean and random nightlife. There were a few people who had spent a considerable amount of time adding lights to their bikes.


Santa Monica Pier (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Jason attempts to climb the rope (Photo/Nicole Harrison)


Evening beach colors (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Silhouettes and a lighted bike (Photo/Jason Rafal)

Next stop is the PCF and Big Sur. We’re excited.