Otter Sight, Otter Mind

Story by Nicole

On Thursday, we explored Monterey County. We started by driving up the PCH. We drove through Carmel-by-the-Sea, decided we did not need to stop and hang out, and continued on to Monterey. In Monterey, we walked around the strangely empty but still adorable town. We walked out to the dock and spent several minutes watching the sea lions attempt to fit as many individuals as possible on a tiny rowboat. One of them had been curled up on the bow with another, and then decided it was too uncomfortable and bailed, and then wanted back on the boat, and this really upset the sea lion that had been on the bow the whole time. We were so entertained by the sea lions that we were late for kayaking.

Sea lions struggle for room on the boat (Photo/Jason Rafal)

A seagull takes off from Jason’s car as we approach (Photo/Jason Rafal)

We drove out to the Elkhorn Slough to meet Ron, Eric’s friend and old coworker. He spends a lot of time studying sea otters; we were very lucky to be kayaking with an enthusiastic expert. Ron helped us get situated in our kayaks, and then we headed out into the water.

There was marine wildlife everywhere. There were many types of birds, including cormorants, egrets, brown pelicans, and a massive white pelican. There were dozens of crabs in the mud, and they scuttled away as soon as they felt the water vibrations caused by our paddles. There were harbor seals, which poked their eyes and noses out of the water and followed us around, watching curiously. My favorite part, though, was seeing dozens of endangered sea otters.

There are around a hundred happy sea otters living in the slough, and we saw males, females, and even pups, which cried when their mothers stayed under the water longer than they did. We spent a couple of hours kayaking around with the animals and asking endless questions of Ron.

Students catch and measure sharks on their regular rounds (Photo/Jason Rafal)

Nicole watches a sea otter (Photo/Jason Rafal)

Ron watches as a flock of birds takes off (Photo/Jason Rafal)

For lunch, we all headed to Phil’s, a famous fish shop in Moss Landing. Phil’s is right on the beach in the midst of Monterey marine labs. The fish and the atmosphere were both great. After lunch, we drove back through Monterey and Pacific Grove, both of which are beautiful. Jason was disappointed that we weren’t able to visit the aquarium, but we decided that we had to save something for next time.

A view of the Big Sur coastline, including the Bixby bridge (Photo/Jason Rafal)