Among the Goats

On May 15th, we took the day off of work. We spent the morning walking around the Denver Botanic Gardens with Nicole’s grandparents, and then we all drove up to Gunnison in the afternoon. Maia’s graduation was not until Sunday, so we planned to have her graduation dinner and party on Saturday night, and then leave for Denver directly after the ceremony.


A bee at the Denver Botanic Gardens (Photo/Jason Rafal)

On Saturday, we went to the goat ranch to help Ann and her 4-Hers deworm and de-lice the goats. We helped catch goats and hold them, and then spent a while wandering around the ranch and hanging out with the animals. Nicole got an arm workout by holding baby goats while we waited for them to get treated, which involved oral deworming medicine and topical pet de-licing stuff.


Kids with kids (Photo/Jason Rafal)


A very vocal kid (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Nicole holds a young buck in line for medication (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Nicole with the weanling does (Photo/Jason Rafal)


(Photo/Jason Rafal)


Rain (and snow) coming over the mountains while the human kids start catching the bucks (Photo/Jason Rafal)

We spent the rest of Saturday helping out in the kitchen while Maia made apple turnovers and cran-raspberry shortbread bars. It kept raining, so there was not a lot to do outside. We went to an early dinner at Garlic Mikes, an Italian place in town, and enjoyed pasta and wine (except for Maia, who got a very fancy Italian soda). Then we headed home to prepare the snacks for Maia’s graduation party.

At 7:30, people started arriving for Maia’s party. We had a feast laid out, with food ranging from cheese and crackers to hummus to baked deserts, and we snacked before heading out to the bonfire.

Although it had been raining all day, the skies miraculously began to clear, and with a little help from some fuel, we were able to get the flames started. The next two hours were spent standing and sitting out by the fire, roasting s'mores and throwing the occasional marshmallow into the fire to watch it burn.


(Photo/Jason Rafal)


(Photo/Jason Rafal)


Watching a marshmallow burn (Photo/Jason Rafal)

On Sunday, Maia’s graduation filled the Western State College gymnasium. After speeches from the class president, valedictorian, and co-salutatorians, which ranged from congratulatory to nerdy, the class of 66 students graduated. See the relieved graduate and the proud family below.


Maia on graduation day (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Maia in line to get her diploma holder (Photo/Jason Rafal)


(Photo/Jason Rafal)


Nicole and Maia after graduation (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Maia and her grandparents (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Eric and Maia (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Britt and Maia (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Maia and her parents (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Maia and the whole family (Photo/Jason Rafal)


Maia and Jason (Photo/Nicole Harrison)