The Towering Travelers

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2021 in Review

In 2021, we tried to balance a lot of outdoor time with finally getting to see people in person. We moved out of our downtown apartment and bought a townhouse, and we spent a lot of time exploring our new neighborhood as well. We miss the view from our apartment, but I’m really enjoying having a private door to the outside. The pandemic has continued to be rough in many ways, but we’ve been very lucky to keep having new experiences in our adopted PNW home.

Something I have really learned to appreciate in Seattle is sunlight in January. It’s rare, but when it does happen, the low angle of the light is always beautiful, no matter what time of day. It’s almost special enough to make all of the gray days worth it.

In the spring, we spent some time playing in the snow, which I still miss from living in Colorado. Seattle stays pretty snow-free in the winter, but the snowy mountains are just a couple of hours away.

Spring also brought a lot of beautiful flowers.

Jason found many small creatures to take pictures of.

Our first camping trip of the year was at the end of a washed out forest service road, and it had an amazing view. The Jeep has opened up a lot of dispersed camping options for us, and we love it.

One of my favorite campsites

The summer was full of beautiful landscapes.

For my birthday weekend we met friends at a cabin near Mt. Adams, where we stared at the views of the mountain at every single time of day.

A selection of water pictures from the summer - waterfalls, streams, and rivers.

In the fall, Jason had a short work trip to New York. It was wonderful to be able to walk around the city and eat all the amazing food.

Jason had a weekend trip with friends to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree, where he took a lot of pictures of spiky plants.

Washington is, as always, full of tiny, fascinating plants and animals.

Since we live four blocks from the zoo, we decided we had to go see the animals.

This is a somewhat random collection of photos from around town over the year.

And then some random photos from day and weekend trips.

We ended the year in Astoria with this view of a tree and a cat.